Deriving the Fix point combinator Y in Javascript
Y combinator is one of the most remarkable concepts in computer science.The Y combinator, discovered by Haskell B. Curry, in order to represent recursion in lambda calculus.
Fixed-point combinator is about creating recursion without self-reference . like below at a positive Quine type sentence
If you write the following quote twice, the second time inside quotes, the resulting sentence is true: “If you write the following quote twice, the second time inside quotes, the resulting sentence is true:”
No self-reference, we have instructions about how to construct a sentence and then do something with it. And the sentence that gets constructed is equal to the instructions. if we analyze this we have GG
where G x
is the instructions to construct xx
and do something to it.
So G is λx.f(xx)
and we have
This is for a fixed f we can abstract f with λf and we get
lets do that in Javascript now. Lets start with the recursive definition of factorial :
var fact = n => n == 0 ? 1 : n * fact(n — 1);
As usual we can remove the recursion by allow the function at the left part to be different from the definition on the right part.
var factF = f => n => n == 0 ? 1 : n * f(n — 1); (!)
We will try to refactor this definition in order to separate the recursion aspect by finding a Y combinator that we can apply to factF and the following will hold :
Y(factF)=factF (Y(factF)).
this means that Y(factF)
will be the fix point of the factF
. Which means that if we call Y(factF)= fact
then the following will hold :
fact= factF(fact)=n=>n==0?1 : n *fact (n-1)
think about this for some time. So we actually get the initial recursive definition of the factorial.
Y(f => n => n == 0 ? 1 : n * f(n — 1)) //= fact
Here we have added a new parameter f and we got a higher order Functional definition. In this definition we could for example get different functions if we plug in different f Let’s try the simplest one let’s say var f = (x) =>1
If we replace this in factF definition, we get this function
var factF1 = n => n == 0? 1: n;
we can replace f with the identity var f = (x) => x
then we will get this definition :
var factF1 = n => n == 0? 1: n * (n-1);
we imagine that there must be a special function ffix that when we give it as a parameter to our factF, and this will get us the correct result of the factorial. The way to find this function ffix is thought the magic Y combinator.
First we replace g(g) inside the functional. Now the type is different and now we can actually give as a function the Factorial itself !!! we have a sense that this might give us the correct result. And it does.
var factF2 = g => n => n == 0 ? 1 : n * g(g)(n — 1); factF2(factF2)(7) ;
then we can abstract the g(g)
by writing it like this:
(f =>______(f) ____)( n=>g(g)n )
thats a lambda abstraction is like putting a placeholder at a position
var factF = g => (f=> n => n == 0 ? 1 : n * f(n — 1))(n => g(g)(n));
Now we also want to remove the double call factF(factF)(7)
we can write this instead
var h = f=>(f(f)); (h(factF )(7))
Lets inline in the last equation (h(factF )(7))
the factF
from above
(f=>(f(f)))( g => (f=> n => n == 0 ? 1 : n * f(n — 1))(n => g(g)(n)));
Now we must extract abstract the f=> n => n == 0? 1: n * f (n — 1)
from this last one
var Y = (u =>(f => (f(f)))(g => (u)(n => g(g)(n))))
so now we can apply the Y on the functional and get the factorial
Y(f => n => n == 0 ? 1 : n * f(n — 1))(7)
That was the extraction of the Y combinator step by step. It seems like a complex concept but if you do it once then it becomes a bit clearer.
Hopefully this fix point combinator resembles the lambda calculus Y combinator. Y =λ.f(λ.x(f(x x))λ.x(f(x x)))